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grumpy monkey plugins

X-Fade VST / AU / Multiscript

X-Fade VST / AU / Multiscript

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Multiscript version runs in any DAW using Kontakt (version 5.8.1 or above).

VST/AU plugin version recommended for: Logic, Reaper.

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  • X-Fade solves a common problem for composers: transitioning between instruments or articulations.

    Load two instruments into midi channels 1 & 2, then use a cc fader to control the crossfade (using cc7 / cc11 midi data).

    Adjust the steepness of the curve, from an equal power crossfade to linear crossfade.

    Fine-tune your settings to control where the cross fade begins / ends.

    Compatible Sample Players: Kontakt, Spitfire Audio Player, SINE, Eastwest Play (not Opus).

    Available as a Kontakt Multiscript, VST3, VST3 instrument, AU.

    Now Apple Silicon Native

  • Match top volumes by making cuts.

  • Adjust the start/end points of your crossfade.

  • Dial the steepness of the curve from linear to equal-power crossfade.

  • Crossfade between either 2 or 3 layers.


-Multiscript version runs in any DAW within Kontakt (version 5.8.1 or above). VST / AU version is recommended in Logic & Reaper (and can work in Cubase).

-It's recommended (though not required) that you have a cc controller to control the crossfade. One that's not currently being used for cc1(modwheel)/cc7(volume).

-Grumpy Monkey's Volume system has some specific quirks. (More info here.)

-Spitfire Audio Player requires an instance of X-Fade per instrument (because SFA Player is not multitimbral).


Change Log

10/06/22 Version 1.0
-Release version

7/20/23 Version 1.1
-Now includes a Kontakt Multiscript version
-Minor fix (mod wheel filtered out when using Midi CC1 to control the crossfade).

-Now Apple Silicon Native